Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Applying for Internships/Jobs as an International Student

So many of you who have by now figured out who I am (yes I know...) probably know that I'm also an international student. Turns out, we have to go through a bit of a formality when applying for internships or jobs- not much of a big deal, but I thought it would be helpful to find out about it anyway. Thus I went to the information session on How to Apply for OPT/CPT (Optional Practical Training/Curriculum Practical Training). Here's some things I found out:

-The internship has to be an integral part of your major. So if you're bio like me, you can't do like a summer job at a law company filing papers or something like that...
-You can only apply after freshman year (so the Spring of freshman year is fine to apply, becuase you will have completed one year of study in the summer)
-Has to be at least 12 weeks
-Must have internship before you file for CPT, but the process can be as quick as one day
-It's called a 'summer co-op' and goes on your transcript, because technically it has to be part of your academic training in the US
-Here's what you do: CDC has co-op packet, take it, fill it out and bring it to the International House with your advisor's signature on it and after it has been approved by the CDC. The IH will issue an I-20, after which you prepare for your internship, get a social security number (office is in Worcester), and figure out transportation to the workplace for the summer. Yeah, it's really simple

-Okay, this is what I would have to apply for and it's little bit more complex, but not too much paperwork overall.
-can be pre-completion or post-completion of studies
-process takes 8-10 weeks, so prepare and file for it early. If you plan on starting work in like June, make sure your papers are in by March at the latest.
-Here's the process: Complete applcation and form I0765. Bring passport, I-94, all previous I-20 forms, two passport style pictures, and a cheque or money draft of $340 for the processing. OPT can be applied for 90 days before graduation, but cannot be accepted 60 days after.
-Give all details if you have a job
-You will be issued an employment authorization document

Of course, a lot of students are also interested in work visa and green card applications. So there is another info session on that material on Wednesday, Feb 25th, 4-5.30 in SL406.
Some students however, are more interested in returning to their country for internships or full-time positions. There is a NACE virtual career fair in the summer- follow this link to register: http://asp.symplicity.com/nacelinkvcf/

Other questions can surely be answered by the CDC or International House, so don't hesitate to ask :)

1 comment:

BioBlogger said...

Also forgot to add this:
International Alumni Panel, if you want to talk to students who are international about their job search process and how they went about it, I'm sure they'd be happy to answer your questions. Meet them on Thursday, Feb. 26th at 5 in SL305